Feb 22, 2016

Witch Child - Celia Rees

Enter the world of young Mary Newbury, a world where simply being different can cost a person her life. Hidden until now in the pages of her diary, Mary's startling story begins in 1659, the year her beloved grandmother is hanged in the public square as a witch. Mary narrowly escapes a similar fate, only to face intolerance and new danger among the Puritans in the New World. How long can she hide her true identity? Will she ever find a place where her healing powers will not be feared? 

I am all about magical realism. Some people find it far fetch, cheesy, predictable but I don't. I guess a small part of me wishes magic could exist in our world. Which is ridiculous for me to think since I'm not a religious person, so I guess wishing for magical realism feels like I'm being a hypocrite. I don't know, maybe I am maybe I'm not. Either way it gives me hope.
A high school teacher actually gave me this copy (I have since gifted it to a young family member) and I loved it. It is in a way a Young Adult type of genre since the Main Character is in her teens but keep in mind so was I. I could relate to someone her age then. 
Mary was a very quiet character, her movements and thoughts were always precise and mysterious. I could have chalked it up to having to do with her trying to be conspicuous (for her survival), but no. I think it was just a part of her personality. The ending drove me crazy until I found out there was a second installment. I remember for an hour after finishing I kept thinking "That can't be the ending! That is not how it was supposed to end! I'm going to write a very mad letter to the author demanding for a version with a rewritten ending!" 
When I got to school the next day to give my teacher a piece of my mind she promptly handed me the second book and said I could keep them. I was over the moon. Haha!
The Historical Fiction was my favorite part. Even as a teenager I had an appreciation for reading about the past. I always admired authors who took their time researching everything so that their novels were as accurate as possible. From a settlers village to the woods where the natives lived. Celia Rees will make you believe in magic in 1659 and have you wondering if maybe a girl like Mary Newbury could really have existed. 


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