Mar 7, 2016

China Dolls - Lisa See

In 1938, Ruby, Helen and Grace, three girls from very different backgrounds, find themselves competing at the same audition for showgirl roles at San Francisco's exclusive "Oriental" nightclub, the Forbidden City. Grace, an American-born Chinese girl has fled the Midwest and an abusive father. Helen is from a Chinese family who have deep roots in San Francisco's Chinatown. And, as both her friends know, Ruby is Japanese passing as Chinese. At times their differences are pronounced, but the girls grow to depend on one another in order to fulfill their individual dreams. Then, everything changes in a heartbeat with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Suddenly the government is sending innocent Japanese to internment camps under suspicion, and Ruby is one of them. But which of her friends betrayed her?

I am obsessed with Lisa See, she could easily be my favorite author. Every book is a stab to the heart (in a weird good way haha!) Every book she has ever written has brought me to tears, which is why I usually try my best to mentally prepare myself before starting any book written by her. (It doesn't work but I still try.) 
Now here's the thing, just because you have loved an authors other work does not mean you will love every single one. I had actually started this book and simultaneously gave up on it half way through (gasp!). 
Now listen Lisa See  has a way of not only bringing out your emotions but making you feel them ten fold. China Dolls brought out my anger and I couldn't handle it. I needed a break from these characters. It wasn't until five months later - I know that's a while, but I needed time until I built up the courage - before I could pick the book back up. 
The characters didn't feel like friends, more like co-dependent enemies. They were too much for me and I was relieved to finally finish so that I could move on to another book. 
BUT HOLD ON A MINUTE. Just because I had an issue with the characters, their relationship, and their personalities did not mean I didn't enjoy everything else.
The book is set in the 1930's - 1940's of San Francisco! How amazing is that!? We are given a vivid glimpse into the old world of China town. The food, the people, the fashions, the talent, the history! It was amazing. I live an hour away from San Francisco, and I'm ashamed to say I have never been to China Town. (Ugh I know! I'm terrible!) 
If you think you can handle the three divas in the novel then China Dolls is the book to read when you need to experience San Francisco's China Town in the most glamorous time in our history. 


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